- Date of birth: 13 April 1987
- Possition: Preferably left - Hand: Right
- Best hits: Serve and Sventaglio
- Characteristics: Technically skilled. Strong with his volleys and smash. Always fighting to the last point.
- Sponsor: Tom Caruso - Raqueta: Spider
- More: Insular tennis instructure. Beach tennis trainer. Beach tennis instructure in the Club Victoria's summer activities with more than 80 kids.
- Finalist 1º Category in 1º Puerto Del Carmen – Lanzarote Tournament (2010)
- Champion Master Category (A) in 3ª Round of the ABTCAT BCN Canon Trophy (2010)
- Consolation Champion in the Beach Tennis Spanish Championship (2009)
- Finalist 1º Category in Arucas I Indoor Tournament (2009)
- Champion 2º Category in I Open de Gran Canaria (2009)
- Finalist 2º Categrory in Open Tamarana (2009)
- Champion in the I Approba's Beach Tennis League (2009)
- Champion 3º Category in III Approba's Solidarity Tournament (2008)
- Finalist 1º Category in 1º Puerto Del Carmen – Lanzarote Tournament (2010)
- Finalist Master Category (A) in the 3º Round of the ABTCAT BCN Canon TROPHY (2010)
- Finalist 2º Category in Open Tamarana (2009)
- Finalist 2º Category in III Approba's Solidarity Tournament (2008)