sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Beach Tennis in Summer Camp Activities

Last week, more than forty children from Tambara's Activities, practice beach tennis in collaboration with "Tennis Beach Friends".

From ten in the morning the kids arrived, and we got two courts for the activity. Before the workshop, there were games in the sand and in the water; then the "star" activity was beach tennis. It was organized in different groups. A was throwing balls with our mate Grimanesa Santana, and others with Javi Torrent, where the children had a little speech of our sport, and above all, we remind them that the sport was called beach tennis, not beach paddle, beach volley or tennis volley or whatever ... Its funny the number of inventions that can make people to name the sport, and then when they are told that it is beach tennis, they are amazed at how easy it really is.

Once we get started, the kids had fun trying to hold up the maximun number of passes with the ball with the teachers, among them, there was a five year old boy, the smallest one, that in despite of his age, he was able to pass the ball with ease. Some of the older ones played a friendly match between them meanwhile others were learning the proper technique to their level.

We got a pleasant surprise after the beach tennis workshop to see the most motivated children that they preferred playing beach tennis instead of football in their free time before leaving.

Clearly, we are very happy to help the youngest people to practice as many sports as possible. As one teacher told me: "Quality is in the variability ...."

From here we thank Jordi, Oscar and especially Grimanesa for this initiative of promoting beach tennis in their summer activities. We hope that in a near future, we are able to see a student in the sand!

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010


Family photo from the IFBT Championship in Barcelona las June

This is the beach tennis blog from http://www.amigosdeltenisplaya.com/ where we will translate to english our posts and more important news about our favorite sport.

This is a virtual space of reference where we hope to share knowledge, the collaboration, and promotion of beach tennis to continue growing up. We pretend to be part of the social development in the beach tennis movement in all its structures and areas.

Anyone wishing totake part in the web, you may contact javitorrent@hotmail.com.


viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Estamos de Bienvenida

Bienvenidos a esta nueva página dedicada al tenis playa donde se podrán informar de noticias relevantes a este deporte.

Se trata de un espacio virtual de referencia donde esperamos compartir conocimientos, colaborar, y promover nuestro deporte para que siga creciendo.

Se pretenderá formar parte del desarrollo y movimiento social del tenis playa en toda sus estructuras y ámbitos.

Todo aquel que desee tener una participación en la web, puede informarse en javitorrent@hotmail.com.

Un saludo,
Javier Torrent Benítez